Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What flowers can you match for a wedding with the colors of lavender and cream?

Hydrangeas, lilacs, irises, lavender, purple roses, cream roses, cream lilies, orchids, calla lilies, tulips, peonies, and thistle to name a few. Talk to your florist, lots of flowers come in lavender colors or shade variations of purple and even more varieties come in some shade of off white or cream. Also check out They have picture gallery of flowers organized by color. That's a really pretty color combination, you could even add some green accents to the flowers and it would look beautiful.

What flowers can you match for a wedding with the colors of lavender and cream?
Try using this color wheel:

I would use contrasting colors for the flowers in vibrant colors.
Reply:African violets, with their really rich plum color would compliment the lavender nicely. Plus, they're different- not your usual wedding fare. To me, African violets always bring to mind innocence and sweetness. Good luck!
Reply:Calla Lillies are pretty and even roses. I've seen a cream rose with a light pink around the edges, it was so pretty. That would work good for a little color.
Reply:Roses and hydrangeas in varying shades of lavender, and pink along with cream roses.
Reply:Sterling roses...they have a purplish color to them and cream colored roses...they look BEAUTIFUL together.
Reply:more cream, a deeper violet and maybe some deep reds as an accent? or a pale orange accent? lots of greens would be pretty too.
Reply:i would use white roses cuz i think its very elegant and they rele attract people's eyes.
Reply:light pink,white,and silver.
Reply:purple lillys would look good and soft
Reply:white rosses would look nice, throw in some other type of white flower with them to
Reply:cream roses

stargazer lilies




Canterbury Bells









Reply:Try snapdragons (they come in lavender and cream) or astermarias.
Reply:Here's a website that might help first.

This will tell you what's in season and will cost less.

This will help you with color schemes.

Here's a list of flowers by color.

Other helpful sites:

I love this site:

I wish I had found this one earlier to help me plan.

Good luck!
Reply:Need to know more like season, location, budget, formal or casual?, etc....

All of those factors make a huge diff. For instance Lavendar flowers wouldn't look right at a super formal reception and indoors the smell would be too overpowering but for a casual ouddoor afair they are great.
Reply:purple alstromeria (available in bulk from Sam's) and pale green hydrangea and creamy stephanotis.
Reply:Carnations or roses that are white or mixed in colors. every flower has a wide assortment of colors. These two that I said before would be a good decision but the choice is yours.
Reply:sterling or lavenda roses...they are a little more expensive than more traditional roses but are a beautiful lavender...mix with white roses for an elegant bouquet
Reply:Purple and Cream Tulips or Tiger Lily to add a burst of color

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