Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I was aske to hold the flowers at my brothers upcoming wedding am i the maid of honor????

my brother asked me to hold the brides flowers at the wedding am i the maid of honor?????

I was aske to hold the flowers at my brothers upcoming wedding am i the maid of honor????
Nope, your a flower vase!
Reply:The maid of honor is typically appointed by the bride, not the groom, and she has duties besides holding flowers, like witnessing the license, planning showers, etc., so if you weren't asked specifically to be the maid of honor, I'm not sure that you are. Maybe he wanted to include you in the ceremony.

I wouldn't assume that you are. I would ask your brother what your role is in the day... Like are you standing up front to hold the flowers, are you sitting down and holding them? Are you doing anything else? If you find out what exactly he wants you to do and why, you'll avoid a potentially embarassing situation if you're not the maid of honor.
Reply:Are you signing the marriage license? Did she say who the maid of honor was? Maybe she just wants you to hold the flowers and that's all...... so that the maid of honor is free to sign the license?
Reply:You should be asked to be the maid of honor before you really are. Just because you hold the flowers doesn't make you one. I had a friend who got married and only wanted 4 bridesmaids. She had 4 friends who felt left out so she let the (college age girls) be flower girls just so they didn't feel left out.
Reply:I would say yes, but all Brides have their own way of doing things for that day! Just let your brother know you dont quite understand the role you will be playing in the wedding, are you a brides maid, flower girl, maid of honor? And just see what he finds out. I always say it NEVER hurts to ask. Hope this helps. Take Care
Reply:ask him. Don't assume
Reply:you are not the maid of honor till you are asked to be the maid of honor by the bride. Being asked to hold the brides flowers by the groom is really weird, please clarify when you will be holding them.
Reply:I don't understand your question.
Reply:Just ask your brother who the maid of honor is...if it's you he'll tell you and if not then you won't look silly for assuming.
Reply:If this is a catholic ceremony you might be holding the flowers the bride is going to present to the Virgin Mary. Those are usually held by someone else during the ceremony other than the MOH.

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