My husband and I love our cat dearly as everyone who attended our wedding knows ... so instead of favors we put cards on the table saying in lieu of flowers, we have put money aside in your name to have our cat cloned.
Most guests were in an uproar at the wedding, but I thought it would pass and they would get over it.
I think they may be upset because they have a pretty good idea that we are going to put the money from the wedding towards cloning our cat.
But it is our money, and we should be able to do what we want with it, right? I'm really hurt that most people won't even talk to us!
What is your opinon? I think it's quite debatable.
For our wedding, in lieu of flowers, we made donations, the guests are so upset that they won't speak to us
I have never ever ever ever heard of this! But it is hilarious!!! Maybe you should have just said that I was going to some cause for cats or something. Cloning is still a bit new and cloning a cat is really, well....weird. I wouldn't have been mad if I were a guest, I would have been laughing through all of dinner though!
Reply:I don 't blame them! The #1 reason guests give money as a wedding gift is so that the couple can get something they NEED and so that you don't end up with 50 sets of towels and 10 sets of dishes....I think if they knew you were going to clone your cat with your money, they would have bought you a personable gift. I've been married 11 years and can look around my house and point out sentimental and memorable items that I got for my wedding and tell you who got them for us. When you get pregnant and have a baby are you also going to save the money to clone your child? I'm sorry, this question is way out there!
Reply:first off...your questions is didn't "donate" any money to anyone or anything.
i know why your guests may be upset....many of them might think cloning is wrong, and are upset that this is being done "in their name", as you suggest.
also...i don't quite understand...was the cloning money instead of favors of instead of flowers? said both in your question.
if you didn't want to spend money on these things so you could save up for cloning your cat, you should have kept it to yourself...i can guarantee no one would have asked you why you didnt have flowers/ other words...yes, you can do what you want with your money, just dont tell everyone about it!
p.s. you do understanding that cloning your cat will just give you another cat who looks like the first, right? the "new" cat will most likely act and behave totally different.
i really hope this question is a joke.
Reply:Honestly that is the funniest thing I have heard in my life but it is your money
Reply:Common sense would tell you to either put the money towards your honeymoon, a down payment on a house, or toward any bills left from your wedding. Yet you could have a more productive use for monetary gifts than to have a stupid cat cloned. If you want to engage in the weird and absurd then you do that behind closed doors, but what you're asking for is pretty tacky and just plain tactless.
Reply:You're having your cat cloned?
Reply:No. Well, we remember this fairytale from before.
Reply:Wedding money should be spent on you and hubby attaining something for your home. Don't be so stupid. You know why people are upset with you.
Reply:You should have kept that to yourself. That is pretty weird but I can see where you are coming from... Still that is weird.
Well it's your money
Reply:Well it your money if your really want to clone your cats witch I think is odd. That's your chooses and if people want talk to you because of it then they are not your friends. Because friends respect other friends dream/wish no matter how odd they maybe.
Reply:Giving a donation to charity is all well and fine and beautiful, but announcing where you have donated money is vulgar. Also, it is rude and against etiquette to tell people "we were going to give you a gift, but instead, we made a donation to charity."
You do not donate money "in lieu of favors" or "in the name of" your guests. It's inappropriate.
If you want to eliminate favors, you simply do so-- they are optional, anyhow. Etiquette does not require favors be given.
If you want to donate to charity, you simply do so. But you do NOT connect the concept of favors and the concept of charity donations. And you CERTAINLY do not put little announcement cards out saying that you re-directed a gift before it was even given. That is rude.
But not speaking to you is also rude and inappropraite, on the part of your guests.
No-- wait-- I just re-read your question-- you didn't even give the money to charity-- you set aside the money to do something FOR YOURSELF. So basically your notes are indicating "We were going to give you a little thank you gift for attending our wedding, but instead we set aside the money to do something for ourselves." Extremely RUDE RUDE RUDE.
Reply:If someone has certain beliefs and are against cloning, then their money shouldn't be used to do such a morally questionable act.
Of course they are offended, I would be too. They gave you money for yoru home and not to do something like that,. If you wanted to do that, you should it have kept it for yourselves, and not advertise it in such a way that would offend your guests,
If you go to a party and you give then cash and they tell you that they use the money towards an abortion, would you feel insulted?
See, you have to be sensitive ...and you lack common sense and mmaners by doing this.
Good luck
Reply:I think the bigger issue is having the cloning done, not that you didn't do the flowers. Cloning is a serious hot-button issue whom a lot of people take offense to. I don't think it's that people don't believe you about what you are doing with your money, I think it's most likely that people don't agree with your choice to have your cat cloned. Many people feel it's akin to playing god, instead of letting nature be what it will be. They are also probably upset that you did it "in their names" because then if they are against the issue, or even if they are pro cloning, you have essentially put their personal info (name) into a very public issue.
I think that it is a sensitive subject, one that is best left out of an affair like a wedding. I think that it was not your choice to do something in the name of your guests and that they have a right to be upset.
Reply:Where do you go to get your cat cloned? Maybe the guests were just speechless because up till then they thought you were normal.
Reply:I think that's asinine-cloning a family pet. If I got that at a wedding, I'd think you were off your rocker, and I'd be annoyed my hard-earned money was being spent on something so stupid. I'd rather if you went out to dinner, or got paint for your house or whatever. Cloning a family pet is just rediculous.
Reply:Where does one go to have a cat cloned?
Reply:lmao you don't think that was selfish, hello!!! lol
Reply:uhh thats kinda of a cute idea but it getting you cat cloned nessisary? why don't you just get a new cat when that one dies? i mean there are tons of cats out there. but it is your money and do with it what ever you want. and it's a cute idea and everything. but don't you see it as wasteful. all the things you could have put money to. aspca, a house childrens charitys. that probably would have gone over better. didnt anyone tell you that wasa bad idea? ok sorry well people will say what they want, and if they don't talk to you oh well not much you can do about it now. sorry to see it went that badly. i personally would have thought about it a little bit more before i did something like that but it's you wedding.
Reply:LOL!!! This has to be the funniest thing I've read in a long time!!! Do you just post questions to see if ppl will call you weird?
Reply:Well in all honesty, that is a bit weird - I didn't even know you could do that. Also you do know that cloning will not necessarily result in the same personality so it won't be the same cat. But hey your wedding, your money!
Reply:Something like cloning your cat should have been keep private, guests do not need to know how you spend their money. You should not have told them.
That's like sending cards asking people to contribute to your sex change. Your guests simply did not need to know.
Reply:U r very correct... IT'S YOUR MONEY!!! Do what u want with it.
Reply:judging by your previous questions
you're as full as your cat box
Reply:wow your a sad person. so you are pretty much giving your own someone elses name?? am i getting the jist here??
i mean if you felt the need to do donations..why not do donations for a good cause...cancer research or something..rather then clone an animal that will live 8 year if your lucky and it doesnt get hit by a car
Reply:I think what you want to do with your money, is your business... but the cards were a bit much.
No one wants to think about a cat dying and then being cloned becasue the owners can't get over it at a wedding.
Reply:I think it is quite rude for your guests to be upset with a gift that you gave them. If you want the money to clone the cat, it's your business. I mean would they rather have something to bring home that will just collect dust or even get thrown away. I think you guys did a fine job.
Reply:You're kidding, right?
So instead of doing all of that, why didn't you just completely skip on favors and use that money to clone your cat?
I'm sure they have a pretty good idea of what you're doing, because you said it on the cards.
You're right. It is your money. So you could have saved all the drama by just skipping over the favors and taking the money and cloning it rather than making it into a big deal.
Reply:I don't think you should have informed your guest about what you used the money for.
Monday, February 13, 2012
For our wedding, in lieu of flowers, we made donations, the guests are so upset that they won't speak to us
wedding flowers
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