Friday, January 27, 2012

What flowers would look good with a black and white wedding?

My wedding colors are black and white. I was going to have white roses but I think maybe they would blend too much with my dress. Does anyone have any suggestions?

What flowers would look good with a black and white wedding?
Reply:I think practically any color would look good with black and white....But for goodness sake, DON'T use black and white flowers!!!!! (Unless you are trying for a spooky, Adam's Family look!)

I shot a wedding a few years ago (as the photographer) where the bouquets were also black and white, with black ribbons. Yuk! And all the decor was b %26amp; w, with no spots of color at all. Maybe good for that certain Gothic look, but not so great for most of us.

So have a third color, even if you just use it a little bit.
Reply:I think the deep red roses with the deeper red stripes would be awesome! I've only seen them in the fresh flower department of Wal-Mart though. Maybe you could buy the flowers there and take them to your florist and have them do something with them. Or maybe your florist can find them.
Reply:Lavender orchids all the way.
Reply:Punch it up with a brightly colored flower of your choosing. Or slide into elegance with a orangish peach or silky lavendar. (I personally would probably opt for the lavendar- b/c its relation to the royal purple ties into the sophistication of black and white)
Reply:red roses
Reply:tropical flowers or colored tulips that will pop out from everything else.
Reply:bold RED.

think of those anne gedes pictures in black and white and the only thing in the picture is flowers or red lips....

its dramatic and romantic.
Reply:I think a combination of white roses and stargazer lilies would be gorgeous if you carried a boquet with stems to add some contrast. Florists do some beautiful arrangements with a ribbon tied around the boquet and the stems below in their natural state. You can also do a mostly white arrangement with some small flowers of another color, like red or blue, mixed in for contrast so they don't blend into your dress in the pictures.

My colors were white, silver and cornflower blue so I had a mix of white roses, stargazer lilies, irises and bachelor buttons. It looked amazing and they photographed well with my white dress.
Reply:I would strongly suggest staying with the white roses. First of all, it is your first pick. Secondly, if the entire wedding is black %26amp; white red or some other color is going to look out of place. You can pull the white roses with some greenery to still give it the punch it needs. I put a few in the sources for you to look at and consider before changing your mind.

It sounds to me like you have a very elegant, classic theme going. Stick with your gut - you're doing it right.

Congratulations %26amp; good luck!
Reply:red roses would be perfect!
Reply:Try pale pink roses. Or maybe pale yellow ones.
Reply:you could do white orchids since the greenery from the leaf and the stem plus the yellow of the center would stand out against the white in the party. you could also try a pale yellow color
Reply:Silk flowers that are black.
Reply:I think white calla lillys would be beautiful and very elegant and unique!!!
Reply:What's wrong with Red Roses - I think that would be fabulous with black and white.
Reply:Black and White is very cool.

Check out these flowers.

Happy Wedding :)
Reply:I think deep red roses would be beautiful!
Reply:I would say pink or red roses..nice contrast!
Reply:I think red would look the best. They'd be vibrant and stand out.

For something more subtle, a light, almost baby blue would be very pretty as well.
Reply:I think you need to stay classic, I suggest red roses or a mixed selection of red flowers. Lipstick roses are one of my favorites. I would suggest red bouquet for the bride...nothing worse then white flowers with a white dress 'cause you can't see them. The groom would have a red boutonniere. Then could use white with bridesmaids and groomsmen since I would guess they will be in black and use red centerpieces for the reception. Just my thoughts but think this would be beautiful with a black and white wedding.
Reply:i would go with a bold color for the flowers-red roses are standard but beautiful
Reply:baak%26amp;white flowers
Reply:hhhmm...I wouldn't do the white roses either. That would be a little much. There are several colors you can use though. Check out some flower sites to get ideas. These ones had some beautiful roses:
Reply:it depends if you want something bold or not , I always think when you have black and white then a bright color really makes things stand out like red or yellow
Reply:Cala lilies, or ivory roses with a hint of color at the edges would be lovely. I had the Cala lilies, they are white, but looked spectacular with my gown, as they had some greenery in there. They are SO sophisticated and understated and would gor great with black and white.
Reply:A simple bouquet of red roses would be perfect. Especially if it is the only splash of color in the ceremony.
Reply:EVERY color goes with black and white.

What color are your eyes? What color looks good against your skin?

Think about your very favorite sweater or top. What color is that?

Does your fiance have a favorite top that you wear? Try using colors because YOU love them. Not because they happen to match something.

Sage green, peach, pink, red, yellow, coral, bronze, lavender, periwinkle, pale blue- anything works with black and white.

Take a black cloth napkin and a white one and go to the best florist shop in your town. Ask them if you can go into their cooler where they keep ALL the flowers and hold up the napkins near the different colors. One of them will stick out for you as the most beautiful of all. And the florist may be the perfect person to make your bouquets.
Reply:light pink, hot pink, or yellow.
Reply:black and white, red all over
Reply:roses, red will accompany the colors well

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